Can we create a space where learning flows from rich community connections? The Unlearning Centre [1] would be an open learning and meeting space for young and old, centered around community and personal development, generosity, and sharing in a wide variety of forms. We want to offer an integrated learning experience. It is our goal to be a living experiment in community building. We want to encourage reflection on the ways in which society can nourish everyone’s well-being to the utmost possible, and at the same time offer concrete examples for doing so. We want to bring people closer together, to help them grow and contribute to the advancement of our society. The centre is based on four ‘core values’: open learning, gift economy, inclusion and sustainability. (Nederlands onderaan) Open learning Learning is a rich, diverse and never ending process. Learning and knowledge are sometimes associated with schools, universities and other educational institutions, and wi...
Bold visions for a more compassionate society. Sowing seeds of change to build new systems that are more inclusive, kind, fulfilling and embrace the needs of all beings. Offering thoughts on gift economy, unschooling, veganism, deep ecology, and a profound look at today's world through the eyes of interbeing, compassion and non-discrimination. (Find me on