Across the globe, people are expressing dissent with our democratic institutions. Political extremes and more autocratic leadership are gaining favor. We live in a multi-polar, complex and rapidly changing world, which is put under pressure by inequality, climate change, migration and so on. I think people are feeling increasingly powerless. They feel their voices are not heard and their lives might not matter so much. I believe it is a need for security and order that leads them to political extremes, more autocratic leadership, nationalism and identity politics. These all promise simple solutions – sometimes just ignoring existing problems – and a way out of the political deadlock of the mainstream parties.
How can we make sure every vote really counts? |
So how can we help people regain a sense of control over their lives? How can we give them the feeling of security despite all the existing complexity and diversity? We cannot do more of the same. They say that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We need to evolve. We need to accept that our systems are broken and outdated and look for fundamental solutions. We need to reinvent our democracies.
Democracy is never finished. It needs to constantly evolve and become more inclusive. The first democracy, in Athens, only included free (adult) men, no women or slaves. The same groups were excluded at the beginning of our democracies in modern Western history. Yet still, our society could give much more ‘power to the people’, the literal meaning of the Greek word ‘demo-cracy’.We need to ask ourselves whether we were ever really that democratic.
Look at most of our schools and work places. They are basically hierarchical in nature. Teachers, principals and managers have most of the power. Isn’t it strange that we are so adamant about being able to choose our political leaders, but we can hardly choose who rules over us in
educational or professional settings? There are however ways to organize these as democracies, just look op democratic schools, self-directed education, worker cooperatives or sociocracy for example.
educational or professional settings? There are however ways to organize these as democracies, just look op democratic schools, self-directed education, worker cooperatives or sociocracy for example.
Look at the way we vote. Are ‘winner takes all’ and ‘first past the post’ systems that inclusive? In most of our systems the majority always wins, but what about the minority? Most of our decisions go through established political parties. But do those really represent all of our diverse voices? There are however other approaches such as ranked voting, deep democracy, consensus decision making and citizens’ assemblies to name but a few.
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United we stand, divided we fall |
Only when we give people the feeling that they really have control over their lives, can we remedy despair and frustration and stop our democracies from crumbling. When we create rich and dynamic social networks with little hierarchy and high accessibility. This can rebuild our democracies, give power to the people and make sure that every vote counts.
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