Introduction Two years ago I quit my job. I used to be a high school teacher. I always wanted to be a teacher, because I really loved kids. But soon enough I realised, that loving can be quite hard if you constanly have to judge and evaluate and tell children what to do. Even though I really did my best to teach interesting classes, and much as my students and the school staff told me I was doing a great job, I was left deeply unsatisfied of the job. I realised I just wanted to give unconditional love and acceptance, and did not want to be caught up in the constraints of the system. And so I started longing to live in a community life again. I had lived in community before – I used to be an intern in Plum Village , a Buddhist monastery in the south of France – and I realised that was the only time in my life where I felt real unconditional love and acceptance. In community, we can just be ourselves, and just love each other for who we are, without having to worry about complying ...
Bold visions for a more compassionate society. Sowing seeds of change to build new systems that are more inclusive, kind, fulfilling and embrace the needs of all beings. Offering thoughts on gift economy, unschooling, veganism, deep ecology, and a profound look at today's world through the eyes of interbeing, compassion and non-discrimination. (Find me on